Free Beginner Tutorials Series

An Introduction To Subtractive Synthesis Using Ableton’s Analog

Virtual Instruments

Ableton’s Analog is an example of a subtractive synthesizer.

Typically a subtractive synthesizer is made up of three parts that operate in series; the oscillators, the filters and the amplifiers.

The oscillators function is to create the raw waveforms – oscillators are the origin of the sound that the synthesizer produces. The wave forms next pass through a filter which can shape the sound by taking away frequencies you don’t want leaving only the sounds that you have designed to be heard. This removal of frequencies is why this type of synthesizer is known as subtractive. Finally in the amp section the signals that have been passed through the filter section are mixed together and output from the synthesizer.

In the following sections we will go over each of these components in depth to give a full understanding of how a subtractive synthesizer works. These concepts while being taught on Ableton’s Analog will transfer seamlessly to any other subtractive synthesizer out there.